Corporate Training
Torque Consulting corporate training offerings range from a full-day building winning relationships workshop to one-hour customized seminars. Participants will leave Paul’s session invigorated and armed with practical ways to improve their professional and personal relationships.
The cornerstone building winning relationships can be customized and condensed into a half-day class or a two-hour lecture to larger audiences. View the Corporate Training Brochure Here
Torque Consulting Classes
Paul has successfully consolidated and tailored the relevant materials from the 10-week MBA class he developed and teaches into a full day training session. The goal of this fun and highly interactive class is to teach strategies and techniques for initiating, maintaining, and enhancing long-term, mutually beneficial, trust-based relationships with clients. During the day, attendees also learn how to develop and maintain relationships in their personal lives. Here are some of the topics covered during the day:
- The importance of building rapport
- Understanding clients
- How to build client trust
- Refining communication skills (verbal and non-verbal)
- Creating and communicating REAL value
- Strategies to handle resistance and earn client commitment
- The keys to maintaining and expanding client relationships
Paul will review the keys to building winning relationships, followed by a comprehensive hands-on value creation session. After studying the unique value propositions of the best companies in the world, participants will learn how to develop and communicate real value that will be the differentiator for their business and their personal lives.
Paul will develop and customize 1-2 hour presentations incorporating the key elements of building winning relationships. These seminars are ideal for large groups interested in learning the why customer relationship management is so critical to the success of any organization. Even in a large group setting, these seminars is high energy, fun, and very engaging.
In addition to the customized seminars, here are proven seminars available through Torque Consulting:
Communicate A Winning Image– This unique seminar is designed to explore the keys to developing and communicating a winning image in our professional and personal lives. Some of the topics covered during this highly interactive seminar include reasons why people like or dislike us, strategies for effectively communicating our image, choosing the best communication vehicle (when to text, email, call, visit in person, or write a personal note), keys to delivering bad news, how to really celebrate success, and tips for enhancing our relationships through our unique image.
Relationship Recruiting- College coaches require the same relationship-building skills as anyone in a corporate sales or business development role. This fun and informative seminar will teach coaches how to build winning relationships with recruits. Topics include, how to quickly develop rapport with a recruit, the importance of gaining the trust of the recruit and the people around them, effective communication techniques, the development of a unique and compelling value proposition for any program, strategies for handling resistance, and ways to gain commitment from a recruit (without selling!)
Proposal Development and Presentation Training
Writing winning proposals is different than writing proposals that just allow companies to “stay in the game”. The same is true for designing and delivering winning presentations. Torque Consulting will challenge companies to think in new and different ways that will leave clients with no choice but to select them.
Value Proposition Development
What makes you unique? What sets you apart from others seeking the same position or promotion? We will help you develop a compelling value proposition and personal mission statement. This service is available to professionals of all ages, including college students.